Frequently Asked Questions
Who do you work with?
While my primary focus is children and teens between the ages of 5-18, I work with folks of all ages. Neurofeedback has no age restriction. It can benefit kids and adults of any age. Neurofeedback deals a lot with neural plasticity, which is your brain'‘s ability to adapt and reorganize itself throughout life to perform at its peak.
Some of my clients bring their children for treatment and then decide they want to do brain training themselves, and others don’t have children in treatment at all! If you are curious about whether or not you are a good candidate for brain training, please schedule a consult call with me, and we can discuss your individual situation.
Additionally, because the brain map must be done in person, I work primarily with people in the Northern Virginia/DMV area. I do travel occasionally, especially on the east coast, so if you’re interested but outside the area, let’s book a consult call and we will discuss our options.
What does a typical neurofeedback session look like?
On your own schedule and in the comfort of your own home, you watch a movie or TV show of your choice while connected to brainwave-reading sensors. As your brain shows correct waves the screen brightness and volume increase; as your brain waves stray from optimal performance, the opposite occurs with the sound and screen. This is done for 20-30min per session, about three times a week.
Is it painful?
Not at all. QEEG Brain Scans are extremely safe; the technology is non-invasive and there is no radiation or loud noise. The equipment simply measures and records brain activity through tiny electrodes placed on the surface of the head and ear lobes.
Can I use neurofeedback if I’m taking medication?
Yes. Many people use both neurofeedback and their medication to enhance the treatment of their ailment. Neurofeedback does not need to replace medication and in fact it can help increase the desired outcome when used with your prescribed medication.
Why don’t more doctors recommend biofeedback?
Heart Rate Variability training, bio-regulation therapy, and neurofeedback are all non-drug treatments. Many health professionals are unaware of these alternative treatments and their benefits since the United States healthcare system revolves around the idea that drugs are the primary solution to health issues. Because of this culture and lack of financial support, holistic approaches are often overlooked.