
There is a point in everyone’s day where the mind begins to derail itself. Control impulsivity, distractability, and acting out on first instinct. Neurofeedback can make sure you do not lose out on precious time. Improving your attention is necessary to help advance your memory and perception. Enhancement of attention improves encoding, maintenance, and retrieval of information. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) uses neurofeedback in astronaut training to improve astronauts’ focus and mental acuity. It is essential for these individuals to think on the spot. They are not the ones who read the textbooks; they make them.

  • Increase Attention Span

  • Increase Mental Focus & Clarity

  • Concentrate and Complete Tasks

🔗Tuning Up the Old Brain with New Tricks: Attention Training via Neurofeedback

🔗Effects of Biofeedback-Assisted Attention Training in a College Population

🔗EEG Neurofeedback: A Brief Overview and an Example of Peak Alpha Frequency Training for Cognitive Enhancement in the Elderly


Never feel like you did not do your absolute best. Maintain constant energy throughout any task as the day carries on without any drop in performance. Multitask and assure yourself that resources are spread across tasks properly and efficiently. If multitasking does not work for you, Neurofeedback could also help you focus your mind on one problem (mono-task) and put all of your effort onto it. Attack one task at a time with maximum effort to achieve optimal results. Yield better results and complete tasks sooner. Mono-tasking is a vehicle for productivity.

  • Increase Handle of Workload

  • Handle Workload Efficiently

  • Decrease Mental Strain

  • Increase Results Across the Board

  • Enhance Creativity, Communication, & Technical Skills

🔗Neurofeedback training of the upper alpha frequency band in EEG improves cognitive performance

🔗The Effectiveness of Neurofeedback on Cognitive Functioning in Patients With Alzheimer's Disease: Preliminary Results


Being able to retain and maintain information on the first attempt is critical in many fields today. Having great short term memory is important but to successfully translate all of it to long term memory could completely revolutionize the way you think and perform. You should be able to efficiently recall information you deem essential. Your brain will learn how to pick out important information and filter out anything unessential. Neurofeedback will not only improve how much you retain but also the detail and quality of the information.

  • Improve Long-Term, Short-Term, and Working Memory

  • Counter Effects of Aging on Memory

  • Increase Retention Rate and Depth of Memory

🔗Specific effects of EEG based neurofeedback training on memory functions in post-stroke victims

🔗Enhancing early consolidation of human episodic memory by theta EEG neurofeedback

🔗The electrophysiological effects of a brain injury on auditory memory functioning: The QEEG correlates of impaired memory

🔗EEG Alpha and Theta Oscillations Reflect Cognitive and Memory Performance: A Review and Analysis


Neurofeedback could help you get back on track with your days. Go to sleep on time and wake up feeling refreshed without any regrets about the sleep you got the night before. We use neurofeedback to help you fall and stay asleep. Neurofeedback can help people reduce or eliminate drugs for insomnia and sleep disorders. The brain is in charge of regulating sleep. We use neurofeedback to increase slow brainwave activity to increase specific EEG activation patterns in the brain that correlates with better sleep for our clients. Sleep is essential for recovery and to perform at your maximum.

  • Improve Depth and Quality of Sleep

  • Increase Physical and Mental Stamina

  • Fall & Stay Asleep

  • Improve Energy

🔗The Use Of EEG Theta Biofeedback In The Treatment Of A Patient With Sleep-Onset Insomnia

🔗Instrumental Conditioning of Human Sensorimotor Rhythm and Its Impact on Sleep as Well as Declarative Learning

🔗Differential Effects of theta/beta and SMR Neurofeedback in ADHD on Sleep Onset Latency

🔗Assessment of Electroencephalographic Fnctional Connectivity in Term and Preterm Neonates


Gain control of your performance anxiety, composure, confidence, agreeableness, and positive affect. Stress recovery, capacity, and regulation are increased to help you perform under pressure. When you feel better, you perform better. You start feeling more confident and motivated to exercise, eat healthy, meditate, and sleep. Which in turn makes you more healthy and creates a thriving environment for your brain to succeed. Your brain likes and encourages these habits thus creating a healthy cycle for you to work better and happier.

  • Manage Stress

  • Decrease Performance Anxiety

  • Maintain Composure

  • Improve Emotional Intelligence

🔗Topographic EEG changes with benzodiazepine administration in generalized anxiety disorder

🔗Treating Anxiety Disorders Using Z-Scored EEG Neurofeedback


When your brain decides to deviate, it is trained to correct unruly behavior by itself. Handle heavier loads of stress on the brain and recover quicker to deal with the high demands of your life. In many jobs today, recovery is essential for survival and success. When you are able to recover faster and more efficiently, you complete tasks quicker and assist the process of eliminating stress.

  • Recover from Stress & Fatigue Quicker

  • Stabilize & Manage Mental Health Better

  • Prepare Mental System to Take on New Objectives

🔗Case Study: Improvements in IQ Score and Maintenance of Gains Following EEG Biofeedback with Mildly Developmentally Delayed Twins

🔗Improvements in Spelling after QEEG-based Neurofeedback in Dyslexia: A Randomized Controlled Treatment Study

🔗Long-term effects of neurofeedback treatment in autism